
Established in 2019 we started as a club for airsoft players in the Nipissing district of Ontario.
Seeing our local players struggle to get essential items through the year like bbs, starter airsoft gear & more, we decided to build a retail store and community space in early 2020.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the store located?
We are located at Select Paintball & Airsoft North Bay (165 Stanleys Rd).

What are your hours?
We're open on Sundays only during the spring, summer, and fall months. Visit our Facebook page for weekly store hours.

What payment options do you accept?
Cash, debit, credit cards & Interac® e-Transfer are accepted.

Want something we don't sell?
Consider supporting one of these trusted shops.

If there is something we did not answer on this page, send us a message on Facebook.